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Unlock the secrets to peak 表演 and optimal health.

运动科学专业为学生提供了对体育活动背后的科学的全面理解, 为他们提供知识和技能,以促进个人和社区的健康和健身,同时为该领域的持续研究和发展做出贡献. 这是一个充满活力和不断发展的领域,在提高人类表现和福祉方面发挥着关键作用.

在这个包括六小时学术实习经验的实践项目中,学习使用锻炼来改善健康和人类表现. 以基督教信仰和价值观为指导, the bachelor’s in exercise science at HSU integrates biological, 物理, 心理, 健康科学. 该课程的课程设计与运动科学领域领先的专业组织的认证保持一致, 比如 美国运动医学学院 (ACSM), 国力与体能 (NSCA), 国家运动医学研究院 (NASM).

毕业生为健康和人体运动领域的各种职业机会做好准备:我们100%的校友都在与其学习计划相关的领域工作. 运动科学专业也是进入联合健康专业项目的一个很好的起点, 医学, and graduate programs in exercise science, 体育训练, or 运动机能学.


Our Human Performance Lab is a state-of-the-art, 3,800平方英尺的设施,为运动科学专业的学生提供了实践学习的绝佳机会. Located on the second floor of Fletcher 健身 Center, the Lab is used to conduct research and provide services related to health, 人类的表现, 并健身到校园社区.


  • Corporate or community wellness instructor
  • 私人教练
  • 体育教师
  • 健身教练
  • 力量和体能教练
  • 体育教练
  • 运动生理学家
  • 体育教练
  • Sports and medical equipment sales representative
  • 健康项目经理


The Hardin-Simmons University (HSU) Exercise Science (EXSC)  program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP),并由 Committee on the Accreditation for the Exercise Sciences (我看),以确认学生是否接受了适当的教育,成为运动专业人士. HSU是德克萨斯州第一个,也是美国仅有的100个本科运动科学项目之一,获得了这一证书. 这一受人尊敬的荣誉向未来的雇主和研究生专业项目表明,HSU运动科学专业的毕业生已经完成了国家认可的严格的学习项目.

CAAHEP的认证要求报告具体项目成果的数据,以验证EXSC学生是否为进入竞争激烈的就业市场或进入研究生课程学习做好了适当的准备. See below outcomes from the 2022-2023 Academic Year:

  • 100%的EXSC专业学生成功完成了EXSC项目设定的终极体验研究项目要求, 我看, 和CAAHEP.
  • 参加国家资格考试的EXSC专业学生100%通过了运动专业人员的认证.
  • 100% of EXSC graduates expressed satisfaction with the EXSC program
  • The EXSC program had an 83% retention rate from the Fall 2022 to Spring 2023 semester.

Why Earn Your 运动科学学位 at Hardin-Simmons?

Why Earn Your 运动科学学位 at Hardin-Simmons?


Learn and experience exercise training techniques. Use exercise testing and assessment to determine health and fitness status. Design and implement exercise prescriptions and nutrition intakes for health, 表演, 和恢复. HSU的运动科学学士学位还包括为期一年的实习,有机会建立人际关系并获得现实世界的经验.


威尼斯人网上赌场, 我们奉行基督教的价值观, and the exercise science major is no exception. Your professors know your name, and their doors are always open when you need help. 教师 also bring industry experience and professional certifications to the program, and often engage in research projects with students.


Help tackle some of today’s biggest health challenges as an exercise science major. If you have a passion for health and wellness, 一个运动科学的学位将为你打开一扇大门,让你获得广泛的有趣和有益的职业机会.

许多学生继续进行物理治疗, 职业治疗, 医师助理, and 体育训练 professional programs as well as chiropractic schools. Some pursue entry-level positions within the fitness and wellness industries, 力量和调节, 体育教练.

The exercise science field offers excellent growth potential and job security. 健身教练和教练的工作, 例如, 预计在未来十年将增长39%——几乎是所有职业平均水平的五倍. Employment of 物理 therapists is expected to grow 21%, and athletic trainers 23%.*

If you plan to work in Texas, the news is even better. 德克萨斯州雇佣的运动教练和运动生理学家比美国其他任何一个州都多. It’s also one of the top employers of occupational therapists and fitness instructors.*

*根据美国最近的数据.S. 劳工统计局


How much can you earn with a major in exercise science? Here are average salaries in Texas for several popular careers:*

  • Exercise trainers and group fitness instructors: $43,200
  • 运动生理学家:50610美元
  • 运动教练:57,950美元
  • 物理治疗师:90,870美元

*根据美国最近的数据.S. 劳工统计局


Retention, Culminating Experience, Graduation Rate, Graduate Exit Survey


  • 注册:145
  • 返回:121
  • 保留率(83).45%)

Culminating Experience National Credentialing Exam Reporting for AY 2022-2023

  • 2022-2023 Certification (name) ACE GF Instructor
  •  参加考试的总人数:4人
  •  #通过的学生:4人
  •  合格率:100%

Culminating Experience Research Project for AY 2022-2023

  • Culminating Experience Data for AY 2022-2023
  • 学生总数:26人
  • 通过考试的学生总数:26人
  • 合格率(100%)

Graduate Satisfaction Rate for AY 2022-2023

  • 满意调查:26
  • 调查结果:26份
  • 满意度:100%

“我在HSU的运动科学系度过的时光给我灌输了学习的热情,并加强了我追求物理治疗事业的召唤. The professor’s enthusiasm and love for the Lord are contagious. 他们对主题的热情和对庆祝上帝对人体设计的强调灌输给我对学习的热爱,这种热爱一直持续到今天. 我非常感谢他们对我的精神生活以及我作为物理治疗师的职业生涯产生的改变生活的影响.”


乔·麦考密克-Professor of Physical Therapy Holland School of Sciences & 数学


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  • 我们的学生说

    Ashley Brown, HSU研究生
    The Exercise Science Program at Hardin-Simmons University is directed by the most genuine, 聪明的, 还有雄心勃勃的教授,他们不仅关心我在课堂上的成功,也关心我在生活中的成功. 在我参加这个项目期间, 我拥有了追求成为一名物理治疗师的梦想所需的知识和机会. I was pushed and challenged in each class over my 4 years, which prepared me to be successful in life after college.

    Leo Simonetti, HSU本科生
    Coming to Hardin-Simmons University as a veteran was a challenge for me. I had been out of the school system for so long and had a hard time getting reintegrated. 运动科学项目的教授和教职员工在指导和帮助我选课方面做得非常出色, and discovering what I truly wanted to get from my degree. 我从这里的教授那里得到的支持和激励是我所经历过的任何其他教育经历所无法比拟的.

    希拉里·布莱尔PT, DPT, Cert. DN,二者
    能成为威尼斯人网上赌场运动科学系的一员是一种福气. The professors are invested in you personally and in developing your career. The foundation they laid continues to shape me as a 物理 therapist today.

    Bryan Blare PT, DPT, Cert. DN,二者
    作为澳门威尼斯人网上赌场运动科学系的一员,我接触到了许多不同的职业选择. 我最终决定从事物理治疗,教授们让我为这个项目的严格性做好了准备. I know that without their guidance and instruction I would not be where I am today.

    Jarret OShields, Human Performance Lab Assistant
    The HSU Exercise Science department helped further my knowledge, 应用程序, 以及基于技能的能力. 该系的目标是为学生发展运动科学和精神基础. I continually implement knowledge and 技能 learned in the Human Performance Lab.

    凯尔西·沃克,PT, DPT
    我在HSU运动科学系度过的岁月为我成为一名物理治疗师奠定了基础. 我不仅在学术上装备精良, 但在教授们的鼓励和指导下,我的专业和精神也得到了发展,他们为我的教育投入了资金,关心我的成功和成长,而不仅仅是在课堂上.

  • 国力与体能 Association

    国力与体能 Association Education Recognition Program logo

    的知识, 技能, 能力与运动科学领先专业组织的认证一致,包括在项目课程中. These organizations include but are not exclusive to the 美国运动医学学院 (ACSM), 国力与体能 (NSCA), 国家运动医学研究院 (NASM).




健身、娱乐 & 体育管理学位
